BING BING WAHOO Explanation Originally came from a 4chan copypasta mocking the somewhat abrasive sound effects of the more modern Mario titles as well as Nintendo Switch fans who play the system in public.After several other users ran with it, it eventually became a well-known joke on the forum. Explanation After an update to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker came out, a user on NeoGAF made a thread asking if anyone else was having problems running the game, but misspelled the game's name as "Capitan Todd". Explanation Mishearing of ouija board, which originated on Yahoo! Answers. looking at the TV screen with various inappropriate things ( or any kind of media) spliced in. It's often paired with another scene of Bowser Jr.

While the entire video became something of a meme, one moment in particular where Bowser covers his son's eyes stands out. demonstrating how the console's parental control system works. "Cover your eyes, son!" Parental Control Bowser Explanation Shortly after their January reveal of the details of the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo released a cute video of Bowser and Bowser Jr.Mario Games Repainted Explanation A type of ROM Hack where a group of people replace textures/songs/dialogue with memes to comedic effect."Hipster Bowser", or "Nerd(y) Bowser", from a Japanese New 3DS ad starring Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has caught on quite a bit.His reaction to the question "Do you know who Bowser Jr.'s mother is?" nodding and then pointing to himself. Miyamoto is Bowser Jr.'s mother! Explanation A video made to promote Super Mario Maker featured Miyamoto addressing various myths related to the franchise non-verbally.It lampshades the Butt-Monkey status of The Goomba. FINALLY GETS THE SUMMER OFF GOES TO BEACH AND GETS STOMPED BY MARIO Explanation A Nintendo-created one, actually, from their American Facebook page.Ultimate, which made her a literal " clone" of Peach. Made Hilarious in Hindsight when Daisy was announced as an Echo Fighter of Peach in Super Smash Bros. Explanation Due to being a Suspiciously Similar Substitute to Princess Peach/Toadstool in Super Mario Land and a Palette Swap in the N64 era, this phrase got common in the fandom post-GCN era because of her similar animations to Peach and her gown being an orange version of Peach's, despite her redesign in Mario Party 4. Explanation A mishearing of Satoru Iwata when announcing The Year of Luigi. Some found the brief moment where Mario is mimicking the passenger's headbanging amusing. Headbanging Mario Explanation An old Singapore Airlines commercial used Mario to promote its in-flight entertainment system.This had led people to commonly joke that they are drugs, and that Mario and Luigi's adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom are just a drug trip.

explanation The Super Mushrooms look a lot like Amanita Muscaria, a real-life hallucinogenic mushroom.